Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Jimi Mistry, where are you?

I don't hear much about Jimi Mistry nowadays. Where has the star of critical hits like 'The Guru', 'East is East' or even 'Touch Of Pink' gone? Born of mixed parentage(his dad is Indian while his mum is British), he is among the best stars England has to offer. I hope he does not fade away. Certainly a man of his talent has a lot more to offer. Looking forward for a lot more from you mate!

P.S: My favorite Jimi Mistry movie is 'Born Romantic'.


Everyman said...

dint know u were here jojy!! :-) Will keep visitin now on..

As for Jimi Mistry..saw him only on The Guru..Liked that one quite a lot..esp for Heather Graham :-D

Jojy John Alphonso said...

hi shain..thanks..